What Is Vehicle-to-Grid Technology?
Vehicle-to-grid, or V2G, technology is smart charging tech that allows car batteries to give back to the power grid. In essence, it treats these high-capacity batteries as not only tools to power EVs but backup storage cells for the electrical grid. This type of setup uses bidirectional charging stations to push and pull energy to and from connected vehicles based on the demand for electricity at any given time. It’s part of a larger initiative known as vehicle-grid integration. This extra energy can be used to power houses, buildings and, ultimately anything connected to the power grid. V2G technology changes the role of the electric vehicle from an electricity consumer to a storage medium that supplies energy back to the grid. This can be done in two ways: by feeding energy back to the grid while the car is still parked, or by using the car's battery to provide power during outages or emergencies. In both cases, the electric power will be cheaper, greener, and in a more available quantity compared to traditional consumption.
3/5/20241 min read

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